7. Auth


OPV uses Key-Auth (HTTP Header X-OPV-GRANT-TOKEN) for authentication. Notice that by default any request to the data plane (except /api/v1/healthz checks) should be authenticated.


Grant Token

A grant token is required to (1) access to the data plane and (2) deploy the proxy plane. A grant token can only be created from the control plane. For example, you can create a grant token with fine-grained control of what to access.

Omni Grant Token

This creates an omni grant token to the sandbox.example.com domain that has access to all allowed_http_methods and all paths.

curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "allowed_http_methods": ["*"],
        "paths": ["*"],
        "domain": "sandbox.example.com"

Normal Backend Application Grant Token

This creates a normal backend application grant token to the sandbox.example.com domain that has access to POST/GET /api/v1/facts or /api/v1/facts/*.

curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "allowed_http_methods": ["POST", "GET"],
        "paths": ["/api/v1/facts", "/api/v1/facts/*"],
        "domain": "sandbox.example.com"

Single Fact Access Grant Token

This creates a single fact access grant token to the sandbox.example.com domain that has access to GET /api/v1/facts/fact_1LqMuvudjA1xdtqbjd0l.

curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "allowed_http_methods": ["GET"],
        "paths": ["/api/v1/facts/fact_1LqMuvudjA1xdtqbjd0l"],
        "domain": "sandbox.example.com"

Public JS Only Grant Token

This creates a public JS only grant token to the sandbox.example.com domain that has access to POST /js/v1/facts.

curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "allowed_http_methods": ["POST"],
        "paths": ["/js/v1/facts"],
        "domain": "sandbox.example.com"

We note that the difference between /js/v1/facts and /api/v1/facts is that /js/v1/facts will automatically omit the scope_custom_id field in the fact creation payload. This is by design to allow duplicated facts created under the anonymous scope within the domain.

Casbin Implementation

OPV uses casbin for the implementation of the grant token and its policy enforcement. We leverage the RBAC with multi domains model to have fine-grained access control of the Grant Token. See RBAC model definition below.

# RBAC with domain pattern model
# https://github.com/casbin/casbin/blob/master/examples/rbac_with_domain_pattern_model.conf

r = sub, dom, obj, act

p = sub, dom, obj, act, eft

g = _, _, _

e = some(where (p.eft == allow)) && !some(where (p.eft == deny))

m = g(r.sub, p.sub, r.dom) && keyMatch2(r.dom, p.dom) && keyMatch2(r.obj, p.obj) && regexMatch(r.act, p.act)

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